Growing together.
Discovering more about the life that we've been given in Jesus.
Elevate youth exists to encourage students of Middle School and Highschool age to find and follow Jesus. We live to learn and grow recognizing that we have been invited to be a part of something greater than ourselves: A God who loved us enough to give us life. There is so much LIFE to be lived. Come and discover what that means!

Back yard Bashes!!!
Backyard Bashes are a time to enjoy the summer weather, hangout with friends, enjoy some grub and learn about Jesus. They will take place in different backyards throughout the Arlington area ever Wednesday through the summer. We ask for students to bring a side dish to share.
Time - 5pm to 8pm
Time - 5pm to 8pm

ANNOUNCEMENT - July 24th Back Yard Bash has been moved to the Campbell home -
5017 - 257th St, NE, A-town.
5017 - 257th St, NE, A-town.
Elevate Wednesday - During The School Year
6 pm - 8 pm
We would love for you to come out and join one of our Elevate services. It's an amazing time to grow in friendships, grub a little, play some games and then go deeper in the word of God. Are you ready to ELEVATE?